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"You want to stay not dead... then listen up, my chommie."
Claire Whitten after poisoning Vijay Bhatia [src]

Claire Whitten is a custodian aboard the Pytheas facility during Prey: Mooncrash.



At the start of the game, Claire is locked, but can be unlocked by completing Vijay Bhatia's story objective. During this objective, it is revealed that Claire killed most of the security personnel on the station (which is later reinforced from Claire's story objective) and poisoned Bhatia. She then escaped on an escape pod. Bhatia tracks her down and is set to explode her pod, but she contacts him first and remarks that she has some of his men on the pod with her. The player (as Bhatia) can decide whether or not to explode the pod.

During Claire's objective, she is contacted by her handler Basilisk to destroy all of her listening devices so that TranStar doesn't find out about her, then to stash her KASMA Command Key inside of Riley Yu's datavault Operator, which will destroy Riley's body once she uploads her consciousness to the machine.


Claire likes solitude and rarely interacts with anyone on the moonbase. She is fine with the fact that most of the crew don't even know she exists. Claire is willing to kill for her employer, and is shown to be quite unsympathetic and even sadistic when it comes to that. After killing Vijay's men and poisoning him, she jokes around and toys with him, making Vijay choose between preventing his imminent death or hunting her down.

Character Stats and Skills[]

Has normal Health (100 HP) but no PSI capacity, abilities or default starting loadout on the character select screen prior to unlocking her. After unlocking her, she gains a Psychostatic Cutter and the Kasma Command Key.

Being Chief Technician on Pytheas, Claire has default access to any room, meaning that she does not need to find access cards to open a locked door. She is also the only character embodied by Peter to be able to perform Hacking. Providing that this ability has been installed with Neuromods, she is virtually able to access any room (except rooms with damaged doors, as she cannot repair them).


Kasma Spy
Skill Description Neuromods
Hacking I Bypass level 1 security measures on computers and robotic systems. 1
Hacking II Bypass level 2 security measures on computers and robotic systems. 4
Hacking III Bypass level 3 security measures on computers and robotic systems. 6
Hacking IV Bypass level 4 security measures on computers and robotic systems. 8
Conditioning Increase your health by 25 (to 115) and your stamina to 105. Run, sneak, climb, and sprint 5% faster. 1
Sneak Attack I Do 200% damage to enemies while they are unaware of you. 4
Sneak Attack II Do 250% damage to enemies while they are unaware of you. 6
Stealth I Enemies take longer to detect you when you are sneaking or crawling. 2
Stealth II Walk and run without making noise. 5
Stealth III Sprint without making noise. 8
Mobility I Increase overall movement speed. Run, sneak, climb and sprint 25% faster. 3
Mobility II Gain the ability to sprint with ludicrous speed and to jump incredibly high. 6
Psychic Edge I Reduce stamina cost of psychostatic cutter attacks by 25%. 3
Psychic Edge II Psychostatic cutter attacks deal 50% more damage. 5
Psychic Edge III Attacking with the psychostatic cutter has a 25% chance to do Bonus Damage. 6
Pilot The ability to pilot complex aircraft and shuttles. 1

Related Quests[]

  • "Escape with the Custodian using an Escape Pod to unlock their Story Objective."
  • Clean Sweep (Story Objective)


  • Her KASMA space outfit is a repurposed TranStar corporate/administration uniform, with a KASMA color scheme.
  • Due to developer oversight, she shares a first person viewmodel with the female Morgan Yu. This is also reflected in her Phantom Shift decoy.
  • She is heard using various Afrikaans[1] slang words, like "Howzit" and "Chommie", indicating a possible South African background.




Concept Art[]
