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Clean Sweep is a story objective in the Prey DLC, Mooncrash. It is only accessible when playing as Claire Whitten.


During the events of Mooncrash, Basilisk informs Claire that Transtar has learned of KASMA's infiltration and that Claire's role as a mole has been discovered. Basilisk then tasks Claire with destroying all of the listening devices that Claire hid aboard the station to prevent any evidence from being found. After destroying the listening devices, Basilisk directs Claire to hide her command key inside Riley Yu's Datavault Operator. This key had two functions: to destroy Riley's physical body once her mind was uploaded into the Operator and create a beacon so that KASMA could retrieve the Operator.

After completing her mission, Basilisk apologizes to Claire and tells her that KASMA declined to extract her from the Moonbase. However, Basilisk encourages Claire to find her own way off of the station.


  • Destroy KASMA transponder and listening devices by using recycler charges or material recyclers. They can be found at:
    • The room where here memory marker can be found
    • The Crater Control Center above the material recycler
    • Alex Yu's safe in Crew Annex
  • Place Claire's command key inside Riley's datavault operator


  • Claire has the ability to open all undamaged locked doors, including the locked door for the room containing her memory marker
  • Alex Yu's safe can be hacked with Claire's hacking ability


  • "Claire. I'm very sorry. O.C. is...they're saying they can't dedicate any assets for a dustoff. And I...there's just nothing I can do. I'm sorry. You're on your own. Basilisk out."

