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Electrostatic Burst is a Typhon ability gained through neuromods on Talos I during Prey (2017).


Electrostatic Burst is learned by studying Voltaic Phantoms. Morgan can use this ability in combat to deal area-of-effect electrical damage. Additionally, it can be used to stun electronic equipment and both robotic and biological targets for a period of time.

Prey 001 51

Electrostatic Burst promotion

It costs 30 PSI to cast and has a cooldown of 6 seconds.

Ability Tiers[]

Tier I[]

Neuromods required: 3

Scannable targets: Technopath and Voltaic Phantom

With Tier I Electrostatic Burst, Morgan can create an electrostatic burst that deals up to 25 damage within 3 meters of the targeted area. It also disrupts electronic equipment, stuns robotic targets for 3 seconds, and stuns biological targets for 2 seconds.

Tier II[]

Neuromods required: 5

Scannable targets: Technopath and Voltaic Phantom

With Tier II Electrostatic Burst, Morgan can create an electrostatic burst that deals up to 40 damage within 4 meters of the targeted area. It also disrupts electronic equipment, stuns robotic targets for 6 seconds, and stuns biological targets for 4 seconds.

Tier III[]

Neuromods required: 5

Scannable targets: Technopath and Voltaic Phantom

With Tier III Electrostatic Burst, Morgan can create an electrostatic burst that deals up to 55 damage within 5 meters of the targeted area. It also disrupts electronic equipment, stuns robotic targets for 9 seconds, and stuns biological targets for 6 seconds.

Gameplay Notes[]

At 1.83 damage/PSI the Electrostatic Burst is the least efficient offensive Typhon power by a quite large margin; it's obviously intended as more of a disabler rather than a damage dealer, especially against robotic targets. At Tier II the stun duration is already equal to the cooldown, allowing you to stunlock robotic targets. At Tier III you can stunlock anything, the only limiting factor being your PSI pool.

