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Prey Wiki

Fabricators are special devices that allow the creation of items using materials found on Talos I during Prey (2017), and Pytheas during Prey: Mooncrash.


Fabricators are essentially large 3-D printers that produce usable items from raw materials. Several fabricators are found in various locations aboard Talos I. Morgan Yu's Office contains one, along with a recycler for extracting materials required for fabrication from inventory items items. In order to unlock production of a particular item, that item's fabrication plan must first be acquired. Acquiring certain fabrication plans are part of mission objectives, while some are acquired as random loot.

Available Fabrication Plans along with Material requirements (Prey 2017):[]

Survival Mode / Prey: Mooncrash exclusive Fabrication Plans[]

These fabrication plans are often found in medical areas where the player would find Anti-Rad or Medkit plans in normal mode.

