- "These tunnels run the entire length of the station. Mostly conduit carrying the bare necessities, power, water, air. But Operators also use it to deliver supplies from the Cargo Bay up to the Arboretum."
- – January, upon the player entering G.U.T.S. [src]
G.U.T.S. (Gravity Utility Tunnel System) is a zero gravity service and transport tunnel aboard Talos I in Prey (2017).
G.U.T.S. is a zero gravity utility tunnel system used as for transport and various service aboard the station. The tunnel connects to four major locations; Psychotronics, Shuttle Bay, Arboretum and Cargo Bay, thus the crew can reach these places without having to go out through the stations exterior.
Phantoms, Nightmares and Mimics will never spawn here due to Zero-G.
- GLOO Cannon
- Silenced Pistol
- Q-Beam - Near Josh Dalton's body
- EMP Charge - On Eric Berger's body
- Recycler Charge - On Eric Berger's desk
Places of Interest[]
- Cargo Tunnel
- Fuel Storage
- Magnetosphere Control Room
- Maintenance Tunnel
- Medical Bay
Main Quests[]
Side Quests[]
- For You
- Lock the Door
- Magnetosphere Safe Keycode (note, only contains randomly generated code)
- Restricted Access
- Rising Stars
- Subsection Monitor
- The Starbender Cycle: Book 2: My Enemy's Enemy's Enemy
- The Starbender Cycle: Book 3: Spatial Delivery
- TranStar Life - Employee Profile
- Too Far, Too Fast I
- Will You?
Eric Berger's Workstation[]
Cargo Tunnel[]
Cargo Processing Terminal[]
Fuel Storage[]
Brittany LaValley's Workstation[]
Laurel Davis' Workstation[]
Security Station[]
- During Dahl's takeover, if Morgan were to enter the G.U.T.S. without disabling their tracking bracelet, Dahl will manipulate the gravity, turning it on and off. It could either be helpful or disastrous, depending on the player's current motive. This lasts until either Dahl is incapacitated or has went to the Arboretum to kill Alex.
- Anders Kline - Shield Engineer
- Brett Seydel - Hydro-Physics
- Brittany LaValley - Fuel Storage Technician
- Edward Douglas - Cargo Transport Engineer
- Laurel Davis - Shield Engineer
- Ramon Ridley - Mechanical Engineer