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A Nullwave Transmitter is grenade type weapon found on Talos I during Prey (2017), and Pytheas during Prey: Mooncrash.


The Nullwave Transmitter emits a blast that will squelch the psionic abilities of anyone caught in it for up to 20 seconds. Humans caught in its radius have their psionic potential nullified for 10 seconds or less, and affected typhon have their psionic potential nullified for approximately 20 seconds.

Material Yield: Mineral icon 0.54, Synthetic icon 0.54, Exotic icon 0.27

Dismantle Results: x1 Spare Part


The Transmitter is good choice when fighting stronger variants like a Telepath, a Technopath, or a Phantom, making the battle with them much easier. Hitting a Telepath's Mind-Controlled Humans will cause them to fall unconscious,

It is also capable of preventing a Weaver from using its Backlash ability, thus making them extremely vulnerable and combat with them very easy. This is known to be an effective strategy early in the game without the Psychoshock ability purchased. It can also temporarily disable your own abilities, so stay clear of the blast radius.

